If you want to see delighted fans amidst clicking shutters and women attempting to shush their own squeals of delight while their friends are pinching themselves to see if they really are where they think they are, attend an event like the Haven Fan Fest.
eOne took over Sidebar in San Diego on Market Street and to the delight of numerous fans of the tv show Haven, those fans got to rub elbows, and enjoy snacks and drinks along side the stars of the show and other celebrity guests. It was a night, to say the least, that those fans will remember for a lifetime.
When I asked one lady wearing a Haven Fan Fest t-shirt how she came to be at the party she murmurred "I'm not really sure, it was the most amazing thing, I mean, I'm this huge fan of Haven, and it was like they knew, or I said something or somehow something happened and here I am and this is just so incredibly amazing and now Eric Balfour is coming in and... where's my camera!"
After a walk down the proverbial red carpet, posing for the press and cameras outside, each of the actors came in the party. As we walked up we could catch glimpses of Emily Rose on the red carpet being asked by various photographers to turn this way and that, "smile for me" and so on. And she sparkled like a million dollars with that mega-watt smile of hers. It was no wonder, when the energy of the red carpet came inside the fans were thrilled beyond measure with this fantastic treat.