Over the past few years I have found myself wishing the SyFy channel was heavier on Science Fiction and lighter on Horror. I have even wondered at times if the line between the two genres is blurrier in the minds of some than it is for me.
During the airing of the pilot for 666 Park Avenue was the first time I found myself thinking a similar series of thoughts of fantasy. I wanted it to be more mystical and magical. More fantastical and less... bloody. I do not know if I was hoping for too much, but the premise seemed to lend itself to so many fantastic possibilities within this apartment building at 666 Park Avenue that is owned and run by a couple portrayed by Terry O'Quinn (Lost, and more recently recurring on Hawaii 5-0) and Vanessa Williams (Desperate Housewives) that I wanted the writers to grasp hold of those possibilities and play with them.
It seemed there was gratuitous gore and unnecessary violence and bloodshed when mystical magical possibilities lay just around the proverbial corner that could have fulfilled the same role in the story without making me wince and want to cover my eyes, or worse, groan and mutter "really"?

Not that my aversion to such things should dissuade those made of sterner stuff, I simply wonder why when so many possibilities existed, and when the premise seemed tailor made to both explore and exploit them, the show instead took what almost seemed an easier out instead.
That said, I was intrigued, and curious... and after the pilot had finished playing, and the cast came out, was positively laughing my head off when an audience member, in an effort to be polite, and not offend, and perhaps even be politically correct, tried to phrase a question so they did
not ask Terry O'Quinn if he would be playing the Devil in the show, and in the process accidentally came across as asking if Terry O'Quinn would, instead, be playing God. The answer was delightful and charming as Terry O'Quinn demured, saying no, he would be playing someone who worked for that other fellow, you know, the one who converses with the man up stairs on a regular basis.
That sense of humor, aplomb, and charm was typical of the panel, and made it a delight to attend.
The panel ended with the moderator asking everyone in the audience to sing Happy Birthday to Terry O'Quinn, who was then handed a birthday card. After reading it he quipped, "You know, I actually have my deal with the devil. I'm actually going to be 127. This is my first Comic-Con, I missed you all during Lost, but I'm glad we all got to catch up now." Just another example of the class act this entire cast/panel presented to those in attendance.
As with all wb panels, check the wb website for video of this panel